Dear citizens of Mongolia residing in a vast territory with ancient history!
The Government of Mongolia aims to build an internationally competitive country with social and economic development and aligns decisions and activities to the core national interests, securing human rights, freedom, the rule of law, and parliamentary governance.
Furthermore, it is necessary to scientifically evaluate the results of the government’s policies and activities, strengthen achievements and successes, and postpone or, if necessary, stop inefficient, costly, and untimely activities without compromising the continuity of government policies.
Therefore, the Government of Mongolia has evaluated the social and economic environment of the country and is implementing the “New Recovery Policy” approved by the State Ikh Khural (Parliament of Mongolia) in 2021, which prioritizes projects and programs.
One policy objective is to develop a civil service with a competent and optimal organizational structure that meets the needs and requirements of modern free citizens and does not impose any pressure. The priority of the Government Cabinet Secretariat is to improve the legal and policy framework for long-term solutions aimed at resolving wrong personnel selection, not merit-based appointments, and insufficient salary, the basis for corruption and conflict of interest, that harm the civil service reputation.
In addition, within the framework of intensifying the implementation of the regional development policy, improving local partnership, increasing the coordination and correlation of administrative units, and thus diversifying economic activities and increasing jobs, developing friendly and comfortable centers and settlements is one of the directions of Mongolia’s long-term policy.
We will promptly start the necessary reforms and transformations to create a highly efficient government that relies on upon and supports its citizens. We kindly request civil society and political organizations, the private sector, and individuals to regularly provide feedback.
Minister of Mongolia and Chief Cabinet Secretariat
List of Chief Cabinet Secretary
Our purpose
Organizational Structure
The organizational structure of the Government Cabinet Secretariat
Government Resolution No. 5 of 24 July 2024 approved the structure of the Cabinet Secretariat as follows, setting the maximum number of staff at 241.
- Department for Sectoral Policy and Regulation (Intersectoral Coordination Division, National Committee Project and Programs Division)
- Department for Regional and Local Management
- Law and Justice Department
- Department for the Government Human Resources (Human Resources Management Division, Human Resources Research and Analysis Division)
- Department for Digital Governance and Information Technology
- Department for Public Administration (Archives, Confidential and Records Division, Analysis and Internal Audit Division, Foreign Cooperation Office)
- Finance and Investment Department
- State Protocol Department
- Prime Minister’s Office (Press and Public Relations Department (Speechwriting Division, Digital News Division, Journalism Division, Content Development Division, Foreign News and Promotion Division, 11-11 Public Communication Center))
- Deputy Prime Minister’s Office (Regional Development and Emergency Management)
- Deputy Prime Minister’s Office (Foreign Trade and Investment)
Our history
Considering history of Cabinet Secretariat dealing with history of people’s revolution, since established under the name of ‘Secretary of Government’ in 1921, it has changed its name several times as: ‘Officer Secretary’,’General Department’,’Secretariat Government’,’Procedural Division’,’Secretary of Ministerial Council and Secretariat Administration and Governance,’Secretariat Ministerial Council’,’Cabinet Office’, and ’Cabinet Secretariat’. The table below shows line up for some historical changes:
Secreatary of Government
Cabinet Secretariat under Cabinet Session
Secretary of Government and Cabinet Secretariat
Secretary of Ministerial Council and Secretariat Administration and Governance
Secretariat Ministerial Council
Cabinet Secretariat
Cabinet Office
Cabinet Secretariat
Chief Cabinet Secretary has been frequently changing until now in terms of name and status:
Cabinet Secretary /Officer Secretary/
Cabinet Secretary and Chief General Department, Officer Secretary and Cabinet Secretary
Officer Cabinet Secretary
Chief Cabinet Secretariat and Officer Secretary
Secretary and Officer Secretary
Secretary of Cabinet and Economic Council and Chief Cabinet Secretary
Chief Secretary of Ministerial Council and Chief Secretariat Administration and Governance
Chief Secretary of Ministerial Council
Chief Cabinet Office
Chief Cabinet Secretary
Badarch Baldan /33 years/, Bat-Ochir Gombo /5 years/ and Saaral Zundui/5 years / are worked for the longest time period among the total 33 people who have worked as Chief Cabinet Secretary.
Legal status
The Cabinet Secretariat is the office of the Government.
The Article 18.1 of the law on the Government states that “The Cabinet Secretariat is the office of the Government”, “The member of the Government shall lead the Cabinet Secretariat”, “The Chief Cabinet Secretary is accountable to the Prime Minister”. In addition, In the Article 33 of the law on the Government lists the activities that shall be conducted by the Cabinet Secretary such as formulate and execute the Government decision, synchronize the central and local governmental organizations, human resource management, provision of the common services.
The Cabinet Secretariat is the office to support leadership of the Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Cabinet. The resolution 38 dated 1996 of the Parliament of Mongolia states that “The Cabinet Secretariat is the office to support leadership of the Prime Minister”. The following activities will be carried out to support Prime Minister’s role to lead the nation, provide strategic management for the country.
The leadership role:
- Define the policy mainstream;
- Organize the policy implementation;
- Report;
- Human resource management;
- Executive management.
Support the leadership the Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Cabinet:
- Provide professional management and coordination for the public administration organizations;
- Innovate; advocate reform;
- Support all public administration organizations with the sustainable, professional activities.
The Cabinet Secretariat is the office to support the leadership the Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Cabinet. The resolution 38 dated 1996 of the Parliament of Mongolia states that “the Government is the general management body”. It shall provide “strategic policy, policy guideline, program development, coordination, monitoring and evaluation” to support the line ministries with the national development planning, macro economics analysis, finance, human resource management, support of the executive management activities.
The Cabinet Secretariat is the office to support the general management of the Government. It obliges to be the management consultant, the guide to the reform policy.
It will concentrate on the conformity of the strategic management, planning, coordination legal compliance, policy, consolidation of budget in the Government level and provision of the proper management.
The customers of the Cabinet Secretariat are the Prime Minister, Minister of Mongolia, Chief Cabinet Secretary and members of the Government. The strategic management shall be based on the resources and coordinate the customer demand within the legal framework.
The service range, type and category shall be identified by each resource. It shall be reflected into the strategic functions of the organizational structure of the Secretariat and Terms of the Reference of the public administration officers.